Student Comments – Dance Workshops
Dear Lesley,
Hi Lesley it’s Tim from Gr. 3/4. How is your cat Whipper doing is she still stretching with you? Your dance was really fun. I liked when you had to cross over with your feet and when people had to make up a dance and I could do it! thack you love, Tim
Dear Lesley,
It’s Ben from the 3/4 class (the mathy kid) how’s your cat Whipper? Is she still strrrrreeeeeetching with you? Thanks for coming to teach us how to dance. I reeeeeeely like the mideval dance, it was fun! Well thanks again for coming well I have to go it is almost lunch and I’m hungry!
Sincirly Ben (math kid) tap tap tap tap
Dear Lesley,
I am the guy that is the best dancer how is Whipper doing? I am doing good I’ve been prakice dancing.
Dear Lesley,
It’s Aliya from 3/4. I really liked when you came to teach our class. I was the one who made up the bird dance. I have been making up dances at my house. I have also been remembering to use whipper’s lucky seven. I also have been staying active so when I am old I will not be all hunched over.
from Aliya
Dear Lesley,
Hi Lesley! Thank you for coming to our school, it was a lot of fun!! If you are wondering who I am I am Jill, the girl who made you faint by knowing what a choreographer is. How is Whipper? I hope she keeps stretching with you.
from Jill